Elder care needed in Valhalla, NY
Looking for an aide for my 92yo grandmother. Full time position (or could be part time if needed with 2 employees sharing the weekdays). Please see below for a description of what we are looking for. Any questions, please message. Thank you!
$20 an hour
Hours are 8:30-4:30 M-F
Responsible for:
– Feeding lunch (patient food provided, preparing only (sandwich’s, salads, heating up food)
– Help with Shower daily
– Outside walks if weather applicable
– Help with toileting (patient able to use bathroom, however, stand by for assistance if needed outside door)
– Ensure medication is taken in a timely manner
– Laundry for patient only (laundry machines in home, detergent & all necessities provided)
– Tidiness for area patient uses (bedroom (bed making, change bed once a week or if necessary in between), patient bathroom (garbage taken out, clean bathroom), living room (towels/chucks on patient recliner), kitchen table where patient eats
– Interact and encourage conversation with patient (patient is AAOx4, patient has some forgetfulness as she is 92)
– Ensure patient safety while ambulating with walker
– Help with getting patient dressed for the day (put in hearing aides, put on compression socks, pants & shirt, etc)
– Help with setting up exercise routine (foldable pedal bike, 5lbs)
– Expected to attend doctors appointment with patient and family member who will be transporting (once or twice a month)
What we are looking for:
– kind, patience needed, good with the elderly, timeliness, cleanliness
– Limit personal device usage while working
– Lunch break provided (paid)
– no sleeping during patient care hours
– Tardiness strongly discouraged, if needed please give family heads up ahead of time
– Transportation to & from Valhalla where private home, not provided (car strongly encouraged)
– Patient able to walk with walker but needs assistance standing up from chair & shower. Should be able to support while doing so
– Meals not provided but kitchen is open for use
About patient
92 y/o elderly female, very nice lady, able to ambulate with walker but needs standby assistance when standing up. Patient needs help with daily activities such as bathing, getting dressed, preparing lunch, preventing falls in the home. Patient able to eat on her own, and will do so at the kitchen table. Looking for someone who can provide conversation & interaction throughout the day. Typical day with patient looks like:
Daily shower (patient will need help)
Getting dressed
Exercise bike while sitting in recliner
Recliner for afternoon (walks encouraged if weather permitting)
Contact Jackie 914-433-3844 or email Jdumas30@gmail.com